29 Aug

Press Release August 28, 2024

GWVR and TikTok sign license agreement

The collecting society for the ancillary copyright of promoters GWVR and TikTok have signed a license agreement. This means that GWVR members will now receive remuneration for mobile videos and other video recordings on TikTok of GWVR members’ events.
Dr. Johannes Ulbricht, Managing Director of the GWVR, comments: “The agreement with TikTok not only brings the event organizers money but also paves the way for further cooperation between TikTok, the artists and promoters. There is still a lot of potential here that we will tap into together. After the agreement with the public broadcasters, the agreement with TikTok is now the second piece of good news for promoters. And we see a good chance of further good news this year. On behalf of our members, we would like to thank everyone who believed in this project, especially our advisory board members, Dieter Semmelmann, Frithjof Pils, Stefan Schulz and his team at ConvertMedia, Barbara Jovanovic, the team at our partner BDKV, and the many other important supporters.”

Hamburg, August 28, 2024