


Domestic and foreign promoters are entitled to become a GWVR member. During the application for the GWVR foreign promoters should clarify in detail with us how far the rights under § 81 UrhG (Copyright Act) are available for them. Pure sports events and other non-artistic events are not covered under § 81 UrhG, since the “promoters right” only applies if artists perform during an event.

An event can be carried out by a sole operator or by various co-promoters.

Since a conflict can arise regarding the question who is on a case-by-case basis entitled to be the promoter under § 81 UrhG, this should be clarified contractually. Typical characteristics of an promoter are that he

  • has the financial and organizational responsibility for the events execution,
  • bears the events economic risk and is involved in the profit,
  • is the publicly represented event promoter, including that he is named on tickets and posters and
  • registers the event with the GEMA according to § 42 Abs. 1 VGG


download of application membership form